Embracing Equanimity and Peace: An Imbolc Journey with Yoga Sutra 1.33

An Imbolc Journey with Yoga Sutra 1.33

Throughout my life, I have often found myself enveloped in the tight grip of jealousy—whether it was over my sister's joy with a toy or a friend's thrill over a new accomplishment. It wasn't until I encountered Yoga Sutra 1.33 that I began to see a path through the fog of envy.  

In the heart of winter, as we anticipate the renewal spring promises, Yoga Sutra 1.33 offers a beacon of light, guiding us toward inner peace and harmonious relationships. This sutra encourages us to cultivate kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity—qualities that align perfectly with the spirit of Imbolc, a time of purification and renewal.

Kindness to those who are happy
Compassion for those who are suffering
Joy for those who embody noble qualities
Equanimity to those whose actions oppose your values

मैत्रीकरुणामुदितोपेक्षणां सुखदुःखपुण्यापुण्यविषयाणां भावनातश्चित्तप्रसादनम्॥३३॥ 

maitrī karuṇā mudito-pekṣāṇāṁ-sukha-duḥkha puṇya-apuṇya-viṣayāṇāṁ bhāvanātaḥ citta-prasādanam
— Yoga Sutra 1.33

The Power of Transformation

On this surface this Yoga Sutra may appear to be a call to suppress difficult emotions such as jealousy, anger, or sadness. But, I’d like to invite us to go deeper than that. Through my journey, these emotions have transformed into messengers, highlighting the parts of myself in need of attention and compassion. Embracing my vulnerabilities allows my suffering to soften, and supports a shift in my perspective, seeing the happiness of others not as a source of envy, but as a wellspring of joy. This shift has led me to a far more fulfilling state of being, where joy in others enriches my own experience of life.

The Lesson of Abundance:

When I first began exploring Yoga Sutra 1.33, I recognized a deep-seated belief within myself: the notion that happiness and blessings were limited resources. This scarcity mindset made it daunting to genuinely celebrate the achievements of others, as if their success somehow reduced my own chances for joy. However, as I delved deeper into the sutra's teachings through meditation, my perspective started to shift. The fear that the universe's blessings were finite began to dissolve, opening my heart to fully appreciate and share in the happiness of those around me. I came to understand that happiness functions much like the flame of a candle—it has the power to ignite countless other flames without ever diminishing its own light. This realization not only enriched my capacity for empathy but also transformed my approach to life, allowing me to find joy in the success and happiness of others as if it were my own.

Building a More Compassionate World

Yoga Sutra 1.33 doesn't just apply to personal transformation; it extends its reach into our collective existence. In a world often divided, this sutra serves as a reminder that equanimity towards those with differing views isn't a sign of passivity but a pathway to understanding and change.

Equanimity and Social Justice:

Before engaging with Yoga Sutra 1.33, I often felt compelled to counter differing views with facts and sound arguments, which usually left me drained, exhausted, and more alienated from those with whom I was trying to connect. 

adrienne maree brown teaches that rooting advocacy in the joy and fulfillment mentioned in Yoga Sutra 1.33 transforms it into a sustainable and rejuvenating practice. It's about striking a balance that deepens our commitment to change, ensuring our efforts are not just effective but also sources of joy and personal growth.

Honestly, I acknowledge there's still much for me to learn and apply from this teaching. Yet, focusing on change actions that personally fulfill me and seeking out the common humanity I share with those holding opposing views are how I attempt practicing equanimity and cultivating a more sustainable model for affecting change.

Cultivating Personal and Collective Harmony

By integrating the wisdom of Yoga Sutra 1.33 into our lives, we embark on a journey of personal growth and societal contribution. This sutra offers us tools to manage stress, navigate emotional turmoil, and foster relationships rooted in empathy and understanding.

As we stand on the threshold of spring, let's carry the light of Yoga Sutra 1.33 with us. May it guide us toward not only personal peace and equanimity but also collective harmony.

How will you let the teachings of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity bloom within you and around you? In embracing these practices, we not only transform ourselves but also the world we inhabit, creating ripples of positive change that can spread far wider than we might imagine.

Dive Deeper into these teachings:

I invite you to reflect on the teachings of Yoga Sutra 1.33. How can kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity transform your interactions, your inner world, and the world around you? As we move from the introspection of winter toward the renewal of spring, let these principles light our path, guiding us toward a more peaceful, just, and joyful existence.

Here are a few options to practice this yoga sutra: 

Jodie Tingle-Willis